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The Not-Self of the 9 Centers

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

In the Human Design System, the BodyGraph is a visual representation of an individual's unique energy system. The BodyGraph is made up of nine centers, each of which represents a different aspect of an individual's energy, awareness, identity, and capacity for action taking and communication. Here are the Not-Self themes associated with each of the nine centers:

1. The Head Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Head Center, they may experience mental pressure, unjust doubt, and confusion in an amplified manner. They may struggle to keep focus, and they may find themselves constantly searching for answers to other people’s questions, or seeking validation from external sources to help alleviate their own mental insecurities.

2. The Ajna Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Ajna Center, they may experience confusion, anxiety, and mental over-activity. They may struggle to find clarity or make sense of their thoughts and ideas. When put under pressure from external forces, individuals may “pretend to be certain” and mentally defensive about topics or concepts to try and appear “smart” or sure of themselves as a strategy to avoid embarrassment, even when they really don’t know or can’t truly recall something.

3. The Throat Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Throat Center, they may initiate conversations and actions, yet struggle to communicate effectively or be productive in an efficient manner. They may feel like they are not being heard or understood, or they may find themselves speaking in a way that interrupts others, all in an attempt to try and attract attention to themselves out of a fear of not being noticed.

4. The G Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the G Center, they may struggle to find their true identity and purpose. They may feel lost or disconnected, and they may find themselves seeking validation and approval from others as to what their role is, or where they should go. Ultimately, this can lead to a lifelong process of “always looking for the right direction” rather than accepting the more fluid nature of their path in life.

5. The Heart Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Heart Center, they may experience feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy. They may struggle to connect with others or feel like they are not being appreciated or valued. This can lead to a tendency to go out of ones way to make promises and try to prove themselves, so to appear “better” or more impressive than others. Those with undefined heart centers may feel a strong conditioned desire to exercise their will and control over situations, even though they don't have the consistent energy to do so. The repeated flexing of one's will in this way can leave an individual feeling defeated and deflated. Another issue commonly faced is the impulse to spend money and buy things with the thought that the material gain will help to make one feel more centered and satisfied. This, unfortunately, is a deep Not-Self strategy that many have to deal with, as the Heart Center is one of the least defined center in the BodyGraph.

6. The Splenic Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Splenic Center, they may experience fear, panic, and anxiety in an amplified way. They may struggle to trust their intuition, and may be overly cautious or fearful of taking risks. The Splenic Center is responsible for providing us with the intelligence necessary for survival, which can become the overwhelming concern for those that have it inactive in their design, leading to a tendency to “hold onto things” that are not actually good for them out of fear and insecurity.

7. The Sacral Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Sacral Center, they may experience exhaustion, burnout, and over-extension due to not knowing when enough is enough. They may struggle to set boundaries or prioritize their own needs, and they may find themselves constantly saying "yes" to others even when they don't want to. The Sacral Center represents our sexuality, so those with an inactive or white Sacral Center may find themselves struggling to develop their sexual identity, and may experience a broad range of sexual interests and activity levels, from completely celibate to overly active and addicted to sex. What is most important to recognize is that work, sex, and general availability to get things done is mostly conditioned by outside forces, whether beneficial or otherwise.

8. The Solar Plexus Center: When an individual has an undefined or open Solar Plexus in their Design, they may experience mood swings, emotional instability, and reactive oversensitive behavior that is being conditioned by outside forces and those they are relating with. In many cases, those with inactive or white Solar Plexus centers operating as Not-Self will go out of their way to “avoid the truth” of a situation, so to prevent the potential for emotional backlash from others. Others emotions become their emotions and they may have difficulty differentiating between their own feelings, passions, and desires and those of the people they relate with. They may struggle to regulate emotions or may become overwhelmed by their feelings, leading to avoidance, which can hold them back from facing the truth and moving forward in their relationships.

9. The Root Center: When an individual is operating from their Not-Self in the Root Center, they may experience stress, impatience, and a sense of urgency leading to a tendency to rush constantly, potentially leading to adrenal fatigue and burnout. They may struggle to slow down or take breaks, and they may push themselves too hard to meet deadlines or achieve goals. If not approached in a balanced way, the Root Center can become a powerful pressurized force of conditioning that will drive people to operate much faster than they’re truly capable of sustaining, which can lead to all sorts of issues regarding long term energy levels, drive, and motivation.

By understanding these Not-Self themes associated with each center, individuals can begin to recognize when they are operating from their Not-Self and work towards realigning with their true nature.

Through awareness and self-reflection combined with honoring one's Strategy & Inner Authority, individuals can begin to live more authentically and in alignment with their unique design, rather than begin persuaded by their Not-Self conditioning when it comes time to make important decisions.



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